Diamond Approach Philadelphia -  October 2024, Retreat Registration
Welcome! We are glad you are registering for the upcoming Diamond Approach Philadelphia retreat, October 17 - 20, 2024.


We will be meeting in person meeting at Pendle Hill Retreat Center, www.pendlehill.org

We prefer you stay on site at Pendle Hill for the retreat. It is also an option to stay off site and commute to Pendle Hill for the meetings and daytime gatherings. 

Currently Pendle Hill is requiring the following of anyone coming onto their campus:

Masking are not required in our meeting spaces or anywhere on the Pendle Hill campus, and is an option that anyone can choose to do.


Thursday, October 17 through Sunday, October 20.

7:00 pm-9:30 pm

9:00-12:00 Meeting
12:00-1:00 Lunch
2:30-5:30 Meeting
6:00-7:00 Dinner

9:00-12:00, Meeting
12:00-1:00 Lunch
2:30-5:30 Meeting
6:00-7:00 Dinner

9:00-12:00, Meeting
12:00-1:00 Lunch
1:30-4:30 Meeting  *This meeting starts an hour earlier than the other afternoon meetings.


Teaching Fee for all Participants: $430.

Additional Fees to cover venue, lodging, and administrative costs -
     1) Online Only Participants: $150. or $50/day
     2) Commuters: $100. or $35 per day. Includes lunch on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.
     3) Lodging at Pendle Hill: Single Rooms are $130 per night. Shared Rooms are $100 per night. Both include all meals, breakfast, lunch and dinner. Bathrooms are private but in a common hallway that 2-3 rooms share on the same floor. 
Rooms at Pendle Hill are available on a first come first served basis.

Vegetarian, Vegan, and Gluten Free Options are offered.

Financial scholarship available, based on financial need. Email Greg Knight, at greg37k@gmail.com if you would like to request scholarship to participate on the retreat.

!! IMPORTANT !! CANCELLATION POLICY FOR STAYING AT PENDLE HILL: !! After September 5, all participants who register to stay on site or to commute and have meals on site are financially obligated to pay for their full board, regardless if they need to cancel at a later date.

1. Filling out and clicking submit at the end of this form.  
2. Once you have filled out and submitted this form you will receive a follow up email with an invoice to pay for the retreat. You can pay for the retreat fee either though PayPal or a personal check. 

Once you have paid for the retreat, you are considered registered for the retreat.

For all general logistical questions, you can email Carrie O'Brien at carrieobrien@consultnld.com.
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Email Address *
First Name *
Last Name
Phone Number *
Where do you live? City? State? *
Email address again (just to make sure we have it right)
Your Total Fee will be the teaching fee which is $430 plus shared cost/lodging fees. If you are commuting your total fee will be $530. If you are using zoom to do the retreat, your total fee will be $580.  If you are staying on site, you will be sent an invoice with your total amount due. *
Staying on Site/Commuting/Online. Please indicate whether you are going to stay at Pendle Hill for the retreat; commute to Pendle Hill and participate in person; or do the retreat online. (Once you have completed and submitted this form we will send you an invoice that includes the teaching fee, and the fee related to whether you do the retreat online, commute, or stay on site, which you can go over and then pay by PayPal or check.) *
If you will be staying at Pendle Hill for part of the retreat and plan to join as a commuter or via Zoom for any portions, please indicate below.
If you are staying at Pendle Hill: Single rooms are $130/night. Shared rooms are $100/night.  This includes all meals. Most rooms share a bathroom, in which case the bathrooms are private but in a common hall that rooms share on the same floor.  If you are staying on site, room assignments will be handled by the group; don't contact Pendle Hill. If you have a roommate request, or questions regarding meals or lodging, see below to place a comment.
Single Room - $130 per night
Shared Room - $100 per night
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Meals & Dietary Choices. Pendle Hill offers the following dietary choices. Please indicate the ones that apply for you. (Please note: Pendle Hill does not have an exclusively gluten free or peanut free kitchen, nor is it a kosher kitchen.  Please be aware that all foods are prepared in the same kitchen, including items made with flour and peanuts.  Participants with severe food allergies, or following specialty diets, are invited to bring supplemental food. Refrigerators are available in each building.) *
Do you have any questions about the retreat?
How did you hear about the retreat? *
What is your experience with the Diamond Approach? *
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