#P0P1 Challenge for Foundations

Here’s the idea: before this set’s prerelease starts, you pick a “team” of eight unique cards that you think will be the strongest in Arena Premier Draft. Your team is scored by summing the total Game in Hand Win Rate across all eight cards, according to 17Lands.com.

You can pick any eight cards in the set, subject to the following constraints:

  • 5 unique commons, one of each which “touch” each of the five color identities. (So, one that is at least white, one that is at least blue…)
  • 1 is one of the two-color uncommon draft signposts (2CUDS)
  • 2 are any other commons — no color identity restrictions
  • You cannot choose any single card more than once
Additional details may be found here.

This form should make it easy for you to make your selections for the P0P1 Draft Selection Challenge. Note that I am not collecting any information from this form aside from your card selections and answers to the questions.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your Twitter handle (please include the @), or another name by which you would like to be identified? *
Choose one common with a white color identity *
Choose one common with a blue color identity *
Choose one common with a black color identity *
Choose one common with a red color identity *
Choose one common with a green color identity *
Choose any common you haven't already chosen *
Choose another common you haven't already chosen *
Choose a two-color uncommon draft signpost (#2CUDS) *
The first tiebreaker will go to the participant whose chosen roster features cards less chosen by other players.

An additional tiebreaker will be based on your prediction for which rare will have the highest win rate. Choose that here.
To increase participation in this challenge, I would love for you to help spread the word via social media or otherwise. You can just quote-tweet the original Tweet by which the challenge was announced with something affirming, or you could share something like:

I just entered my selections for the FDN #P0P1 Challenge! You can participate too; read more here: https://t.co/xNvJij51ms

It would be especially helpful if you could share the contest with folks in smaller spaces where I (MTGDS) don't have a presence; like a Discord server or Subreddit.

But...  it's whatever you feel comfortable doing. Please just spread the word/tell a friend. Can I rely on you to do that?
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