Healthcare Career Pathway Interest Form
The Healthcare Career Pathway (HCP) is an innovative partnership that was initially formed to address the critical shortage of healthcare workers in Contra Costa County. HCP offers a unique training program for Certified Nursing Assistants that removes obstacles to success by providing wrap-around support and services. Our goal is to help motivated job seekers graduate with the training, essential skills, and certification needed to become a caregiver the community needs.

The original partnership includes leadership from three organizations in Contra Costa County, California: Empowered Aging, Mt. Diablo Adult Education, and Opportunity Junction and is generously supported by John Muir Community Health Fund. Additional partners include Harder + Co. Community Research, Loaves and Fishes, Contra Costa Food Bank, and various skilled nursing facility leaders.

Please fill out the following interest form to receive more information on our work and to access future toolkits and resources. Feel free to check out our website at and the HCP Potential Partner Packet for more information as well.
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Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Title *
Affiliation/Organization *
Industry Sector *
How did you hear about HCP? *
What about HCP interests you? *
CNA Training Program *
Interest in HCP *
Additional Comments or Feedback:
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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