Trail Monitoring Form
The Hanover Trails Committee of the Hanover Conservation Commission welcomes your feedback about our trails.   Please complete the following form to help us keep a record of trail conditions.  

For further information or questions, please email
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Date *
Trail Name
Link to Hanover Trails Map:

Link to Hanover Trails Descriptions: 

Please select a trail from the list below.
Select Trail *
If you don't recognize the trail from the list, please describe the location.
Overall Trail Condition *
Select Trail Issue(s)
How serious are the trail issues?
Not Serious
Very Serious
Clear selection
Please send us your trail photos
If you have any photos to illustrate the trail issue(s) and you DON'T have a gmail account, please email them to  
If you DO have a gmail account, please add them to our Trail Issues Google Photo album by clicking on this link:

To add a photo, click on the "Add to album" icon at top right as shown below

Please add anything you want to report or provide additional details.
Please enter your email address so we can contact you if we need more information
NH Trail Construction and Maintenance Manual 2017:
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