It's internship application season!
The AAJA-S.F. Bay Area Chapter is hosting a application workshop on Oct. 12 from 10 a.m.–12 p.m. on Zoom for students applying for internships (and other job seekers!). Board members and other journalists will be on hand to answer questions and give feedback on cover letters/resumes.
Please fill out this form if you're interested in attending! We would love for students and other job seekers to sign up. Additionally, if you'd like to volunteer your time to help give advice and review application materials, we would really appreciate that, and please sign up here as well! A Zoom link will be provided ahead of the event to people who fill out the form.
Separately, the
AAJA-S.F. Bay Area Chapter is offering a $1,000 scholarship for students and new grads who are AAJA members to help them jumpstart their career in the media industry. Find more information and apply here.