Welcome to Kris Holbeck's ARC Team!
This is a very small team that will help share and promote Kris Holbeck's books. You will receive Advance Reader Copies (ARCs) of upcoming releases at least 1 week in advance of publication date. All ARC readers are required to show proof of reviews.

Please note: Just to be sure that we are all on the same page, I do request that new ARC team members already have read some of my earlier work and that you, of course, have enjoyed it. 😊
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What platforms do you post your reviews on?
What are your favorite romance genres/tropes?
Have you read and reviewed Kris Holbeck's books before? If yes, please provide a BookSprout, Goodreads or Amazon review link.
As we only keep active members in the ARC team, please provide your usual Amazon reviewer handle/identity. This will allow me to connect the review to you, so I know when you have uploaded it.
Please confirm that you agree to keep information discussed and revealed to this group as private. Unpublished work is vulnerable in the hands of the wrong people. Do you agree to keep the information private until the date of publication?
Thank you for your interest! If you have any questions for me, you can email me at contact@krisholbeck.com.
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