SSE Speaker Request Form (In Person)
Thank you so much for your interest in having a speaker from Seed Savers Exchange at your event. We are always excited to share our work and grow our seed community.

While we hope to fulfill as many requests as possible, we may not be able to fulfill every request. Our speaker request process may take up to two weeks; we will be in touch with you soon.
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Email *
What is the name of your group? *
Please provide name of contact person: *
Please provide phone number of contact person: *
Please provide a short description of your group. *
If this speaker request is for a specific event, please describe the event, including a description of the audience. *
City and state of presentation: *
Please briefly describe desired presentation topic. *
We typically offer 1 hour presentations. Please specify if you are proposing a different amount of time.
A stipend will be determined to cover staff time and travel. Please specify how far your group/organization is from Seed Savers Exchange. (If over 300 miles, please select "other" and specify.) *
What technology do you have available for a presentation? Please select all that apply. If none, select "none". *
Please select preferred date for the presentation. *
Please select preferred time for the presentation. *
Please add a back-up date, if possible.
Please provide an approximate number of attendees for the presentation (select one). If over 300, please select "other" and specify. *
Please add any additional comments here:
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