AWOL: Poundmaker's Lodge: A Healing Place Film Screening & Panel with Prairie Sage Protectors
The Alberta Public Interest Research Group (APIRG) is a student-run, student-funded non-profit based at the University of Alberta that upholds an anti-oppressive mandate, meaning that we analyze the structures that underlie inequity in our communities and seek grassroots solutions to build a better world.

Prairie Sage Protectors Film Screening & Panel
Tuesday, September 13th
6:00pm - 8:00pm
ECHA 1-490

Pizza provided!

Prairie Sage Protectors is an APIRG Working Group and a collective of Diaspora, Black & Indigenous peoples organizing towards a Liberated, Anti Colonial world.

Join members of PSP for a screening of Poundmaker's Lodge: A Healing Place followed by a panel to discuss the film. 

About the film: Just north of the City of Edmonton lies Poundmaker’s Lodge, an addiction and mental-health facility specializing in treatment for Indigenous people. Founded in 1973 and still operational today, the Lodge’s programs and services are Indigenous-run and based in culturally appropriate recovery and healing techniques. Framing the short documentary with the words of the great Plains Cree Chief Pîhtokahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker), Alanis Obomsawin presents a frank examination of the root causes of substance abuse in Indigenous communities and how the absence of love and support – exacerbated by the impacts of colonialism and racism – created a legacy of alcoholism for some individuals.

This event is part of A Week of Liberation (AWOL). AWOL is APIRG's back to school event series running from September 12th-17th centered around building community, knowledge and power for social change. Visit to learn more.
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