Committee Interest Form
Want to get involved and help plan with the Pershing School Foundation?  Join a team of parents to assist with various aspects to make our events successful!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
Email *
Phone number *
What grades are your children in at Pershing School?
Would you prefer adult only events or family friendly fundraisers?
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Do you have any strengths that would make our events extraordinary?   *
This can be anything from connections in our community or with local businesses to help put on our events; experience with non-profit work, including fundraising, donor seeking, etc; events  experience (even if it means just putting on great personal events); or just a love for getting to know the Pershing community and make the school better!  We'd love to get to know how you can further help the Pershing School Foundation support our kids' school!
Anything else?  Let us get to know you better!
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