Please let us know if you will be bringing minors, or if you have any physical limitations that might affect the work you can do.
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Liability & Photography Waiver
Thank you for volunteering with PP&R/Hoyt Arboretum Friends. We have an excellent safety record, and we don't anticipate that you'll be involved in an accident. It is important that you understand the extent to which our volunteer program is covered by the City of Portland insurance. As a volunteer, you are NOT covered by the City of Portland Workers comp program. You ARE covered by the City's General Liability Fund. This will protect you in the event of property damage or accidental injury to the public as a result of your volunteer duties. Please note that we will also be taking photos and that those may be used for promotional purposes. *
What is the name of your emergency contact? *
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What is your emergency contact's phone number? *
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