Goddess Circle: ReHERbilitated
Welcome to our sacred space where women from all walks of life gather to nurture healing, self-love, and empowerment! Be a part of our goddess circle, where we embark on a transformative journey through weekly self-improvement activities, monthly meetings, meetups, and retreats. We believe in embracing diverse backgrounds and ages, inviting all women to connect with us as we empower each other to become better, more healed versions of ourselves. Let's blossom together – your journey to self-discovery starts here!"
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City/Location: *
What aspects of healing, self-love, and empowerment are you most excited to explore with our goddess circle?
Are there specific topics you would like us to include in our sessions? *

Would you be interested in attending our monthly meetings, meetups, and/or retreats?


We celebrate people who have turned life's lemons into seeds of growth! We would love to connect with women and men who passionately support our shared vision. Please share any specific backgrounds, interests, or talents you bring to our circle.

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