Get Started
Thank you for your interest in the DW Tavern Collection. A new Drink Wisconsinbly program that brings your Wisconsin bar's apparel to the rest of our great state... and beyond. Not everybody can visit your fine establishment. But now they can represent it. It's easy! It's profitable! It's fun! Okay "fun" may be a stretch, but the first two are all that really matter.

Please complete this form and we will be in touch soon.
Email *
Are you interested in Option A or B? Or both? *
If you are interested in Option A, are you also interested in co-branded coozies?
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Which color t-shirt (or hoodie Option B) are you interested in? *
Which design are you interested in? *
Your Name *
Business Name *
Business Address *
Business ACH Information (for receiving quarterly commission payments if you selected Option B) *Can also be sent after your program is set up.
Phone Number *
E-mail *
If you have a high resolution logo (preferably vector) that you would like to use, please email to with subject "Tavern Collection".
If Option A (we ship to you), please provide the size breakout from S-4X. Minimum order of 72 qty.  (Suggested Retail $30)   Pricing : S-XL $14.50, 2X $18, 3X $19.50. *Customer is responsible for the new art set up cost of $35 (for your logo).  This is a one time charge.
Questions or comments. 
A copy of your responses will be emailed to .
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