Whales of Guerrero Legacy Giving
Thank you for helping to connect people with nature through programs that inspire and motivate environmental stewardship through our enduring legacy for future generations. If you have already included Whales of Guerrero in your will or trust please fill out the form below so we can carry out your requests and be sure to include you in any special legacy donation communications or events. All information about your plans will be retained in Whales of Guerrero confidential files. Please note that this is NOT a legal document or binding pledge.
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Partner/Spouse Full Name
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With your permission, we would like to recognize you in Whales of Guerrero publications. Please let us know how you prefer to be listed by checking one of the boxes:
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About my future gift
We have included these questions to help us ensure that your wishes are accomplished when the time comes. This information will also help our Board of Directors to better plan for the future.
I/we have made the following charitable gift plans to Whales of Guerrero in my/our: (Please check all that apply.)

Please tell us more about your gift. (Telling us more about the current estimated value of your gift will help the Board of Directors in long-range planning.)
Tell us what inspired you to include Whales of Guerrero in your estate plans?
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