Class-12,Electrostatic Potential & Capacitance
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Q.1) Electric potential energy of two point charges q and q0 is *
1 point
Which of the following methods can be used to charge a metal sphere positively without touching it? Select the most appropriate. *
1 point
Q2) Which of the following is correct for energy of a dipole in a uniform electric field?
1 point
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Q3) *
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Q4) Electric Potential V at a point in an electrical field is *
1 point
Q5) In circuits, a difference in potential from one point to another is often called *
1 point
Q6) If a positive charge moves in the direction of the electric field *
1 point
Q7) If a positive charge moves opposite to the direction of the electric field, the field does _______ work on charge and potential energy __________ *
1 point
Q8) Electric potential is potential energy *
1 point
Q9) The unit of potential difference as used in electrical circuits is *
1 point
Q10) *
1 point
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