Application Open Day DSDC June 2022
Via this form you can apply to be selected to attend the Dutch Schools Debate College's Open Day on June 4th, 2022. This event will take place between 10.00 and 17.00 at Mariahoeve 16/17 in Utrecht.

You should apply no later than the 28th of May . If you are invited, we will send you an email with further details. Spots will be handed out on a rolling basis, so please keep an eye on your inbox for the invitation.
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What is your name?
What is your email adress?
What is your phone number?
What is your age?
Which school do you attend?
In which class are you? (e.g. VWO 4, IB Grade 10, etc.)
In what year are you expected to graduate?
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What is your motivation to apply to this Open Day? Please use no more than 300 words.
What is your experience with debating? If applicable, list no more than 5 achievements.
Are you familiar with the rules of the World Schools debate format?
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We will be hosting a beginner and advanced debating workshop. Which workshop do you want to attend?
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