Octave Atlanta Audition Form
Welcome! We’re so glad you’ve decided to audition for Octave.  Please provide us with the following information.

Once we receive your information and review it, we will reach out regarding callbacks.
Thank you

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Email *
Audition Video
In a video, please tell us a little about yourself and sing the Star Spangled Banner in whatever key is best for you. Video should be no longer than 2 minutes.
Upload to Youtube, Vimeo or Dropbox and post the link here
Name *
Address *
Phone Number *
Vocal Part (select all that apply) *
Previous a cappella experience *
Other vocal experience *
Do you read music? If so, how well? *
Do you write musical arrangements? *
Can you do vocal percussion? *
We rehearse on Wednesday nights. Do you have availability on Wednesdays from 7:30 - 9:30? *
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