TRRA Winter Training Survey
This brief survey will help inform TRRA leadership about potential winter training opportunities and programming.  Please note that all guidance and recommendations from public health officials and governing bodies will dictate the final winter training plan.  This survey is part of our process of due diligence to provide a safe and inclusive training opportunities this winter.
Email *
What most accurately describes your current status with TRRA? *
Which of the following best describes your winter training plans? *
How much would the return of TRRA-TV impact your winter training plans? *
If TRRA is able to secure safe training spaces at a satellite location, would you be interested in training at these location? *
What is the furthest you would be willing to travel to a satellite training location? *
Please select weekday time slots you would be interested/available to participate in winter training: *
Please select weekend time slots you would be interested/available to participate in winter training: *
Do you own your own erg? *
IF available, would you be interested in borrowing an erg from TRRA? *
IF TRRA were to order ergs directly from Concept 2, would you be interested in purchasing a personal erg as part of the order? *
Do you have any additional comments?
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