APCG Online Colloquium Expression of Interest
The APCG Online Colloquium is designed to increase opportunities for scholars of African politics to present and receive timely, constructive feedback on unpublished work. Colloquium sessions will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of one working paper that the author seeks to publish in a peer-reviewed journal. Discussants with relevant expertise will be recruited by the colloquium conveners for the participant. Sessions will be open to others who have read the paper and wish to participate in the online discussion. Sessions will last 60 minutes and take place via Zoom, which will be hosted by an APCG member.

The presentation of papers in the APCG Online Colloquium is open to all scholars of African politics. Papers broadly related to political topics or subjects in Africa will be considered for presentation. There are no thematic or methodological requirements. Priority will be given to advanced PhD students, scholars based in Africa, and junior faculty. Preference will be given to scholars willing for their papers and videos of the session to be publicly posted.
Each session will typically involve four components: (1) the author presents a two-to-three minute overview of what their research is intended to achieve; (2) the two discussants provide detailed comments on the paper; (3) the author responds to comments and asks follow-up questions; and (4) other online participants are welcome to offer comments and ask questions.

Given that the sessions will be connected online, it is important that you find a quiet place and stable internet connection to participate in the session. The Colloquium will be coordinated with the author and discussants at a mutually agreeable time and date. Given that we will likely be coordinating across multiple time zones, we appreciate your flexibility with a morning or evening meeting.
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