Green Ronin t-shirts are a perk that can be earned through running events.
S (Unisex)
M (Unisex)
L (Unisex)
XL (Unisex)
2XL (Unisex)
3XL (Unisex)
4XL (Unisex)
S (Women's)
M (Women's)
L (Women's)
XL (Women's)
2XL (Women's)
City, State, Country *
To know which events you might be interested in.
Your answer
Are you interested in running digital events? *
Full Address
For shipping t-shirts
Your answer
Home Phone
Your answer
Cell Phone
Your answer
Emergency Contact Name *
In case of emergency at an event
Your answer
Emergency Contact Phone *
Your answer
Which Green Ronin games or settings do you currently play or run? *
Which Green Ronin games or settings do you want to run as a Freebooter? *
How did you hear about the Green Ronin Freebooter program? *
Your answer
Why do you wish to be in the Green Ronin Freebooter Program? *
Your answer
Do you have any convention or demo volunteer experience? Please elaborate. *
Your answer
Do you have any skills and hobbies related to tabletop RPGs? *
Your answer
Please pick locations (conventions, etc.) where you're interested in GMing: *
If Other, elaborate here.
Your answer
Do you speak language(s) other than English?
Your answer
Have you participated in any other publisher’s volunteer programs? If so, what did you like about them and what expectations do you have of our program?
Your answer
Please share links to your active social media accounts. If you have none to share, tell us why: *
Your answer
Do you have any additional comments?
Your answer
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