Registration Form
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Please answer all questions completely so that we can ensure comprehensive support.
I consent to being contacted and would like to be contacted by
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First name / Middle name / Last name
Date of birth
Place of birth
Full Address / Current Residential Address
Email Address
Phone Number
Current Occupation
Type of Identification Document  
(Passport is preferred )
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Identification Document Number
First name / Middle name / Last name
Date of birth
Date of birth  Mother
Date of birth Father
Place of birth
Place of birth  Mother
Place of birth  Father
Full Address / Current Residential Address
Full Address / Current Residential Address  Mother
Full Address / Current Residential Address  Father
Email Address
Phone Number
Passport Number
Current Occupation
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When Self-employed
Registered with the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI)?
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Current legal status
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Property ownership (with title)
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Apartment or House ownership
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Previous stays abroad
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If yes, please provide details of the previous stays abroad
Answer the question with
  • Time of stays abroad
  • Location of stays abroad
  • Duration of stays abroad
  • Type of visa used for travel (e.g., tourist visa or visitor's visa)

Children present
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Siblings present
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Number and gender of siblings
Only answer if you have siblings
Names / Birthdates / Location of the children
Only answer if you have children
Do you have any relatives in need of care?
Examples: senility / physical or mental disabilities
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Do you need to maintain the graves of close relatives?
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Do you have any pets?
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Are you willing to attend a German language course in Germany?
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Is there an ongoing divorce proceeding?
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Is there an ongoing legal proceeding?
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Are there any important appointments in the Philippines that need to be attended to in the near future?
Beispiele: Eheschließung, Urlaub mit der Familie, Fortbildung oder Seminar
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Description of the appointments
Only answer if there are appointments in the near future
Relationship status
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In the past, has the Filipino partner visited Germany?
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In the past, has the German partner visited the Philippines?
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Is there any further information we should know about the visits?
Only answer if a visit has occurred.
Are there any photos from the visits together?
Only answer if a visit has occurred
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Are there chat records that can be provided as evidence? (e.g., WhatsApp)
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Are there video call / phone call logs available? (e.g., call history in WhatsApp)
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Nature of the shared relationship
In the execution of the shared relationship, the following points are important:

  • When and how did you meet? (e.g., online dating)
  • How did the relationship develop?
  • Were there any special moments?
  • Description of the Filipino partner
  • Description of the German partne

Feel free to provide both the perspective of the Filipino partner and the German partner. The more information available, the better the relationship can be explained to the German Embassy.
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