Multiplier Event: State-of-the-Play on Digital Education during COVID-19 Crisis

This conference is part of the European project DECriS (Digital Education for Crisis Situations), which seeks to deepen the potential of digital educational resources in providing better teaching and learning opportunities in Higher Education; especially in regards to the unpredictable circumstances such as COVID-19. The universities of Barcelona, ​​Osijek, Hildesheim, Zagreb, Sofia, Mostar, Sarajevo, Saint Petersburg and Wellington are the patners taking part in DECRIS project (

* When: November 4th and 5th, 2021

Where: Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audivosuals (FIMA) of the University of Barcelona.
Melcior de Palau street, 140. Barcelona.
You can also attend and participate online throught Zoom.

Due to the University of Barcelona's COVID prevention regulations, the Conference room can accommodate up to 70% of its usual capacity. For this reason, places are limited and the applications to attend in person will be accepted in strict order of registration.

* Registration open until November 2nd, 2021.

The data collected in this form will be used only for the purpose of booking a place, sending information about the event (Zoom link, program changes, COVID rules, etc.) and for the issuance of the corresponding certificates of attendance (*).

(*) The certificates will be made with the exact name that you enter in these form.

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