Welcome, author-to-be!

Thank you for your interest in receiving my support to fully express the your Soul through the art of writing and do so with joy and magic.

Please fill out the short questionnaire below to give me a feel for where you’re at, what you need support with, and if my programs would be of service to you.

Look forward to making some magic together!

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Email *
Your name *
Your location/ city/ time zone *
What's your book about, or what ideas do you have for this book?
Where are you at with the book, and what are your biggest struggles that have stopped you from moving forward? *
Where do you want to be with this book in 90 days from now? *
What kind of support do you feel would be most important and valuable for you? *
How important is it that you complete this book? *
On a scale of 1-10, how ready and committed are you to taking inspired actions to complete your book? (1 - it's just a nice idea, 10 - very ready and committed) *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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