Technical Support Questionnaire
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh, Hope you are doing well. In sha Allaah, this questionnaire will help us solve any technical issues you are facing. Please complete the form. We will try to fix the issue at the earliest, in sha Allaah. 
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Email *
Email ID *
Student's Name *
Grade *
Have you received student's new email ID? *
Are you able to login the school portal *
Do you have access to Thinkwave account to submit assignments? *
Are there any courses missing on your school portal? If yes, please mention the subject names and levels *
Are there any courses missing on your Thinkwave? If yes, please mention the subject names and levels
Do you need access to any other application from the school? If yes, please mention the name.  *
Is there anything else you need help with? *
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