Seedle- Feeback form
We hope you have had time to look at the prospectus for the Seedl Training platform. This service would be funded entirely by the Halifax BID levy fund and will be at no extra cost for levy payers and there is no limit to how many courses you can take. 

By providing your feedback on the platform, we can make an informed decision as to whether this service is something your business could take advantage of. 
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Email *
Name of person completing the form
Name of Business
What is you position within the company?
After reading through the prospectus, What did you think of the Seedl platform? 
Do you think that your organisation would be able to make use of this service? 
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How many members of staff do you currently employ?
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If you are comfortable sharing the information, could you tell us how much you currently spend on staff training a year. 
Please let us know if you have any further questions regarding Seedl. 
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