Medical Disclaimer
Through purchasing your membership you confirm that you have no pre-existing medical conditions, illnesses or injuries that will prevent you from fully participating in the outlined physical activity. If you have any pre-existing medical conditions, illnesses or injuries you will notify via this form prior to purchasing the membership.
You will also seek medical advice to ensure that it is safe for you to participate, the outcome of which you will feedback via this form. This will not only ensure that it is safe for you to participate in the activity but will also ensure that you will be covered by the Students’ Union insurance. Should your circumstances change during the course of the academic year, following the purchase of your membership, you will inform the union immediately and Christ Church Sport

This information will only be shared with Christ Church Sport, Christ Church Union and the President of your committee to ensure safety and that risk assessments can mitigate any issues.

Data Protection Statement
Christ Church Students' Union will only use the data you provide for the purposes stated within this form.  Your data will not be shared outside of Christ Church Students' Union.  The data you supply will be held on computer, cloud, and paper-based files and databases.  You can find out Data Protection Statement at
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Name  *
Club / Society *
University Email (  *
Medical Information You Wish To Disclose  *
Do you have sign off from a medical professional to compete/train within a sporting setting? *
Are there any requirements you need to be in place for you to participate? *
Anything else we need to know?
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