Winchester Half 2023 Volunteering
Thank you for signing up to volunteer at the Winchester Half Marathon on 24th September 2023. Timings for the day will be between 0800 - 1300.

The marshalling roles will be either on the course, water stops or at the finish line handing out medals.

Sign up now, put the date in your diary and at least 2 weeks before the event day we will email you all the finer details. This will include a marshal whatsapp group to join to use prior and on the event day. 

As a thank you for helping out, we will email you a £40 voucher to use against any of our events! Community Groups of 20+ will receive a donation of £200 for their help. 

Thanks again,
Jo and Kelly, Challenging Events
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If you're a group, how many people can you supply to help?
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