Homework Help Student Sign-Up
If you are a student (or the parent of a student) who needs a bit of help with homework, please join us in our homework help sessions! Keep in mind that this is solely for those who are having trouble completing or understanding their homework, not for classroom instruction. Ask your homework questions and we will guide you to answer them. Feel free to drop in at any time when you need help!
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Student name *
School *
Grade *
Student personal email (write "none" if student doesn't have one) *
Phone number (can be your parent's number) *
Parent name *
Parent Email (must be checked regularly) *
PLEASE READ: Below is the link to the schedule and Zoom links for the sessions. Homework Help has already started so you can drop-in any time during the sessions for help in the specific subject offered then. Please save this link before you submit this form so you can access it later! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/14QUiPxV0ITQkGPGk6Wtje9-nkIbJglYvJk0Et_4KRoM/edit?usp=sharing  The link is also on our website: https://www.achievesuccesstogether.org/ast-shine.  Respond "yes" if you have saved this link or know how to access it. This information can all be found on our website: https://www.achievesuccesstogether.org/ast-shine. *
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