Tell us more about you and what you'd like to write!
Keep in mind that you're writing for an audience of funders, practitioners, researchers, and more who are actively working in the democracy space. This is your chance to speak to the field (rather than the general public).
We're (mostly) looking for short, punchy, ~300 word pieces that are well written, easy to digest, and make one crisp point.
Submission guidelines:
- Be engaging and creative with your writing. Don't be boring!
- We accept ~300-word pieces from practitioners and funders. If you are an academic or researcher, we accept ~800-1,000-word pieces to give you more space to provide context.
- Expect your piece to receive edits! Our goal is to make your writing punchier and more engaging.
- We do not accept all submissions. If you haven't heard from us in two weeks, feel free to submit your piece elsewhere.
- You can expect a response from one of our editors within one week if we are interested.