HCMD Mentoring Program - Mentor
Thank you for your interest in the HCMD mentoring program!  

The HCMD mentoring program aims to connect doctoral students and early careerists within the HCM field with scholars from across the division to discuss shared research interests and/or professional goals.

Please fill out this form if you would like to be matched with a mentee.  

**If you participated in the program last year, we still ask that you fill out the form.

Pairs will be announced immediately prior to AOM in order to facilitate the opportunity to connect either in-person or virtually at the conference. The lunch-break of the Emerging Scholars Consortium (on Friday, August 9th, from 12:30 PM to 2:00 PM) might be an ideal time for such a meeting during the conference.   

Should you have any questions, please email your HCMD Academics-at-Large, Yuna Lee (ysl2118@cumc.columbia.edu) and Daan Westra (d.westra@maastrichtuniversity.nl) .

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First Name *
Last Name *
E-mail Address *
What is your current role? *
University/Organization *
Were you matched with a mentee last year? *
If you were matched with a mentee last year, would you like to remain paired with that individual?   *
If needed, are you willing to be matched with an additional mentee?
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Which of the following career-related areas are you comfortable in offering mentorship? (Check all that apply; Check at least 3) *
Which of the following research-related areas are you comfortable in offering mentorship? (Check all that apply; Check at least 3) *
The HCMD Mentoring Program is meant to help foster connection.  While we recommend at least two 30-minute meetings, once mentor/mentee pairs are formally established and informed of the match, it is expected that each pair can decide how to best approach the frequency and method of communication.  We, the Academics-at-Large, will email pairs periodically through the year to offer gentle reminders or to inform pairs of HCMD events that may be pertinent for the mentoring program. *
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