Raise the Blade Contest Entries
Numerous local organizations are partnering on a campaign to encourage home and business owners to "raise the blade" on their lawnmowers to a minimum of 3 inches in height to protect water quality. In addition, no more than 1/3 of the blade length should be cut in any one mowing session, and clippings should be left to decompose in place.

Enter your contact information below for a chance to win an electric mulching mower (see specs here: http://blog.uvm.edu/kstepenu-mo/files/2020/09/SpecSheetforMulchingMower.pdf). Drawing to be held Labor Day 2020.

In addition, please share a photo of you or someone at your property implementing this best practice by emailing it to seagrant@uvm.edu or by posting it to Twitter and tagging @lakechamp and using the hashtag #raisetheblade. Learn more at lawntolake.org.

You must be 18 years of age or older to enter, and must live within the Lake Champlain Basin. (If you aren't sure, look here to find your town: https://atlas.lcbp.org/people-economy/political-boundaries/)
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What is your address?
What is your town?
What is your state?
What is your zip code?
What is your phone number?
If you are planning to post a photo of you raising the blade to Twitter, what is your Twitter handle?
Do you already "raise the blade" to 3" on your lawnmower?
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If so, for how long have you been raising the blade?
Were you motivated to raise the blade by this campaign?
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