Midterm 1100: Digital Camera Mastery
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What is the amount of light that enters the camera called? *
This controls whether you photo is too light or dark.
1 point
What controls the light that passes through the lens? *
1 point
How do you measure the light that passes through the lens? *
1 point
What is depth of field? *
1 point
What shutter speed will freeze fast action? *
1 point
Which of the following controls exposure? *
1 point
What shutter speed requires a tripod? *
1 point
What is ISO? *
1 point
What causes digital noise? *
1 point
What ISO should you use in a fairly dark room? *
Choose best answer from below.
1 point
What ISO should you use outdoors on a sunny day? *
Choose best answer below.
1 point
Why use a tripod? *
1 point
What is pictured above? *
1 point
The amount of detail that the camera can capture is called *
1 point
What is the purpose of the shutter? *
1 point
The way you arrange subjects or elements in a photograph is called *
1 point
What is the largest/widest aperture listed below? *
1 point
What is M mode? *
1 point
What type of lens is used to photograph groups of people or landscapes? *
1 point
What is a telephoto lens? *
1 point
What is a .jpeg? *
1 point
What kind of memory card is used in most DSLRs? *
1 point
True or False? F8 @ 1/30 = F16 @ 1/8 *
1 point
True or False? F16 @ 1/8 requires a tripod. *
1 point
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