DECODE Insomnia Program Question Submission Form
Please take a look at the Q&A module to see if your question has already been answered.  If you have more than one question, use a new form for each question.  Your question(s) will be collected and answered at the next live session with your therapist.  If the answer to your question would benefit from others, the question will be answered by video and uploaded into the course platform under the Q&A module.  You will not be identified and the question/answer may be modified slightly to protect your privacy.

NOTE: Answers will provide general recommendations only, should not be considered medical advice, and should not replace medical advice from a qualified healthcare provider.  
Google에 로그인하여 진행상황을 저장하세요. 자세히 알아보기
Who is your therapist in the program? *
What are your initials?  This information will only be available to the DECODE Insomnia staff. *
Which module do you have a question about? *
Please enter your question in the space below.  If you have more than one question, please submit a separate form for each question.  Please note: Submissions to this form are reviewed every few days.  *
Thank you very much for submitting your question!  
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