Study Leader Office Communication Form
This form is your primary means of communicating to the FBC administrative staff so that they might support you in the sign-up, promotion, and logistics of your study.  Please fill in every question.  If a question doesn't pertain to your study, simply fill in with "N/A".  
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Who is this study for? *
What is the title of your study? *
What day & time will your study be held? *
How many weeks will the study be? *
What date do you anticipate starting your study? *
What date do you anticipate ending your study? *
Where would the study meet? If at FBC, what room? *
What are your room set up requests/needs? (i.e. 3 round tables with 6 chairs each) *
Study Description (a short paragraph from the study book or written by you, to be used in promotion) *
Expectations of participants (weekly homework, workbook, etc) *
Do you have a graphic to be used in the promotion of this study? (book cover or other graphic) If yes, please email this to the church office. *
Who is the author and publisher of the study and what website can it be ordered from? *
Will you need a leader kit ordered in addition to the participant book order? *
Will there be a sign up needed for this study? *
How would you like the study to be promoted?  Check all that apply. *
Any extra comments or notes that you would like the FBC office to know? *
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