LingHacks Chapter Application
Fill out this form to apply to start a LingHacks regional chapter!

Brief description of what you can do:
Organize a hackathon (LingHacks [insert city or area name], virtual for the foreseeable future):
- Raise sponsorships, donations, and grants to fund the event.
- Coordinate outreach through social media, web presence, flyers, etc.
- Prepare educational workshops.
- Recruit mentors, volunteers, judges, etc.
Organize a workshop or workshop series:
- Pick a topic or topics about computational linguistics and/or get curriculum from our national team.
- Find a venue, recruit attendees, and teach!
Start a Computational Linguistics Club:
- Talk to your school personnel or local community center/library to get a club chartered

- Must be a high school or college student during the time of submission of this form (you can be on a leave of absence).
- Fill out this form again if and when you pass the directorship of the chapter onto a new person.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your first name? *
What is your last name? *
What is your best email? *
List the names, graduation years, and schools of any other people who will involved in running your chapter. *
This list can totally change as your chapter gets started - just list the people you have on board as of now.
What is your best phone number? *
City, State, Country? *
This will be the city, state, and country listed on our website for your chapter.
What is the full name of the school you currently attend (at the time of submission of this form)? If you're submitting during the summer or other vacation period or are on a gap term, list the school you will be attending at the start of the immediate next term. *
What grade level are you in? *
Choose the grade level you are in at the time you are submitting this form. If you are submitting over the summer or other vacation period, choose the grade level you will be in at the start of the immediate next term. If you are on a leave of absence, choose "Other" and write "On a leave of absence between [previous grade level] and [next grade level]" or "On a leave of absence in the middle of [grade level]", whichever applies to you.
What are you interested in doing as a chapter? *
This can totally change later on - we're just asking to gauge preliminary interest and to gather the resources to best support your goals.
Describe any skills, experience, and interests you have that are relevant to directing a LingHacks chapter. This includes leadership, programming, linguistics, artificial intelligence, fundraising, marketing, any outreach, etc. *
Do you agree to abide by the MLH Code of Conduct and hold your entire team and all of your event attendees to the code of conduct throughout the entire duration of your position as a director? *
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