Contact Us
Questions, feedback, or other information received here is reviewed by the organizers of Austin Westie Academy (Liz Ravdin, Rachel Shook, Ryan Maldonado, & Kelly Wright). Any information you share here will be kept confidential unless you desire otherwise. 

Built in part with SwingDiversity's Policy Toolkit ( and the Safer Spaces workshops with Paola Essential Tango (
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Name (leave blank if you choose to remain anonymous)
If you are submitting this form to report an issue, please check all that apply. 

If you are submitting this form for general feedback, a question, etc. you can leave this section blank if it does not apply. 
Message: Can be about general feedback, reporting an issue, asking a question, etc.

If reporting an issue, please include:
-Name of perpetrator if known (or description if name is unknown)
-Location, date, and time
-What happened in as much detail as you can accurately and comfortably provide
-The names of any witnesses if applicable
-If this incident happened to you, or if you witnessed it happening to someone else
If you wish for an organizer to follow up with you, what is your preferred method of contact? (Enter phone number, facebook name, or email in Other box) *
If you selected a method for follow up, give us the phone number, email, or other best way to contact here:
If you wish for an organizer to follow up with you, do you have a preference on who you communicate with?
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