Do you have any ideas to improve your community?
This survey is anonymous (unless you choose to provide your details) and the answers will be used to inform services and support needed for your area. 

Please be honest and descriptive in your answers. 
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Thank you for taking the time to fill in this survey, your answers will help to make a difference in your community.

CAVA is a local charity providing free vital support to the volunteers, groups, organisations and charities working in our communities.

CAVA complies with its obligations under GDPR by keeping personal data up to date, and by storing and destroying it securely. We will only use the information provided in this survey for the purposes of informing the direction of the Community Builder project. You can read our full Privacy Policy here:

Our Community Builder, Rachel Knight, is working in the areas of Bishopton and Clopton to bring together groups and organisations to provide what people who live, work or play in want in their communities. The first stage of this is to try and find out what the people of these communities want, hence this survey.

Any questions about this survey can be directed to Rachel Knight or 07548 765618
Please tell me the community that you are responding about:
(please select one option)
Please tell me if you live, work or play in this community: 
(select all options that apply)
How long have you been in this community?
(please select the longest option, so if you have lived here for 5 years and worked here for 10 years select 10 years)
What things do you like about this community? 
(think about public services, shops, transport, schools, parks, green spaces and things personal to you, like access to things you like to do, hobbies and interests or groups you go to)
What things are missing completely from this community? 
(think about public services, shops, transport, schools, parks, green spaces and things personal to you, like access to things you'd like to do, hobbies and interests or groups you'd like to go to)
What improvements would make this community even better? 
(think about public services, shops, transport, schools, parks, green spaces and things personal to you, like access to things you like to do, hobbies and interests or groups you go to)
If 3 of your neighbours were willing to help what would you love to do to improve your community? *
What would you like your community to feel or look like in 5 years time?
(be as creative as you like)
Do you have a skill, interest, hobby or passion that you might be willing offer to your community?
(maybe you are passionate about the environment or you love sewing or you're an brilliant baker or a marvellous model maker. Whatever it is please tell us about it here and leave your contact details in the next question so we can get in touch with you)
Would you like to be actively involved with the Community Builder to improve your area?
(please select one option and make sure to include your details below if relevant)
If you would like to be kept informed about the progress of the Community Builder please leave your contact details below, including an email address if possible.
They will only be used by WCAVA for the purpose of keeping you informed about this project.
We would now like to ask you some questions about you, these answers are not compulsory but do help us to get an idea of who is responding and who we are missing in our outreach.
How would you describe your gender?
Clear selection
How would you describe your sexuality?
Clear selection
How would you describe your ethnicity?
Clear selection
How old are you?
Clear selection
Do you consider yourself to have a long term physical or mental health condition or impairment?
Clear selection
Do you own or rent the home that you live in?
(please select the most relevant option)
Clear selection
How many people live in your household? 
(number of adults & number of children)
Clear form
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