Review ANY City
Green Book Global is the first travel review site/app dedicated to the Black Travel experience. Every destination on our platform has a Traveling While Black score.  Share a helpful tip of ANY city using our form, as a Black Traveler, and we will upload your review to our site. You can also review on website
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Example of TWB Scores & A Review
Enter Destination to review  (i.e. Chicago, Illinois; Barbados etc.). Leave a review for a U.S. city if you can! *
Select a Travel Category for Your Review (i.e. what will you talk about in your Destination/City review) *
Write your review (use the above checklist). Any reviews suspected of utilizing AI will NOT BE ELIGIBLE. Tell a story and include links, costs, names and what it was like Traveling While Black.  *
Email (Must be a valid email to submit your review) *
First Name *
Last Name *
What is your preferred Username for If existing user,  mark N/A. Selecting a Username is required for NEW Green Book Global users. *
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