2023-2024 Lyndhurst Music Association Membership Form
The Lyndhurst High School Music Association encourages you to join us in supporting your child(ren)'s music program. In order for your child to be eligible for any upcoming benefits (scholarships, varsity jackets, music dinner, trips, various giveaways, etc.), your membership is required.

Your support will also help boost the morale of your child and all children participating in the music program. Annual membership dues are $25 per student. Members receive emails throughout the year to keep them informed.

Please complete this form once for each LHS Band, Chorale or Color Guard member and bring $25 per student to LHS during school hours on or before July 31st to be put in the Music Association mailbox in the main office. Alternatively, payments may be mailed to:

Lyndhurst Music Association
c/o Lyndhurst High School
400 Weart Avenue
Lyndhurst, NJ 07071

Checks and money orders must be made payable to "LHS Music Association." Please include the name(s) of your student(s) in the memo line.

Membership will be finalized once this form AND your payment are BOTH received.
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Student last name: *
Student first name: *
Choose all activities that apply: *
High school graduation year: *
Marching Band instrument: (or "Voice" or "Color Guard") *
Parent/Guardian name(s) *
Parent email #1 *
Parent phone #1 *
Parent email #2
Parent phone #2
Which of the following activities would you be most interested in assisting with? (Check all that apply.) *
Other skills/occupation(s):
Student adult T-shirt size: *
Student height: (feet and inches) *
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