NS6. Unit 3. TEST
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Write your name and surname. *
Choose your group. *
1. In which stage of life do humans become ready to reproduce? *
1 point
2. But when do they usually reproduce? *
1 point
3. What changes do girls go through during adolescence? *
1 point
4. What changes do girls and boys have in common? *
1 point
5. Tick the changes that boys experience. *
1 point
6. Where are male reproductive cells produced? *
1 point
7. What is the name of the tube that passes through the penis? *
1 point
8. Is semen the only substance that goes through the urethra? *
1 point
9. How many ova are normally produced per cycle? *
1 point
10. What is the name of the organ that produces them? *
1 point
11. How often is an ovum produced? *
1 point
12. Where does the ovum meet the sperm? *
1 point
13. What happens when an ovum is fertilised? *
1 point
14. What is the name of the embryo before starting to divide? *
1 point
15. Do girls have eggs since they are born? *
1 point
16. Tick the changes that happen during the first trimester. *
1 point
17. What is a premature baby? *
1 point
18. What is the function of the placenta? *
1 point
19. What is the name of the process by which the placenta is pushed out? *
1 point
20. What happens during expulsion? *
1 point
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