Pitch a Show at What If Theatre!

Thanks for pitching a show at What If Theatre! Our current submission period ends on October 15. 

We recognize that you may not have answers for some of these questions. That's okay! Please complete this to the best of your ability and we will be in touch. We're excited to see what you propose!

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Name of Point Person  *
Email Address *
What is your show title? *

What is the one sentence or tagline you would use to explain it to non-improvisers? 

Where are you at in the creative process? *
Describe what I can expect to see if I come to your show. *
How long a time slot do you think it will need?
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We want to plan the programming for the next 6-8 months. How long do you think it will take you to get your show up and running? and/or Are there any dates (full months) you'd prefer not to be scheduled?
What are your technical needs?
How does your cast represent the diversity of our community? 
What else should we know when considering this show pitch? *
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