Durham EUDC DCA Application Form
If you would like to change your answers after submitting, email durhameudcca@gmail.com with your change. The submission deadline is 11.59pm on the 30th of August 2013. Also email this address if you have any questions. By submitting this form, you are consenting to having your name published on a list of DCA applicants, where individuals will be able to send in feedback on the applications. All other content on this form will be treated as confidential. You are also confirming that you will definitely accept the offer of a DCA position if it is made to you, and can fulfill all of the requirements of a DCA which have been published.
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Name *
Email Address *
Phone number *
including area code
Place and country of residence between now and August 2014 *
What are your career and study plans during the year 2013/14? *
max. 200 words
Debating Information
We will need to know a bit about your debating experience. When answering questions that ask you to list things please limit yourself to a maximum of five specific examples in bullet point form. For instance if you have won a competition please state the competition name and year, do not just write “won three competitions”.
List your key speaking achievements *
List your key judging achievements *
Have you ever been awarded ESL or EFL status as a speaker? If yes please name the EUDC  and WUDC tournaments where you were eligible for these breaks and, if known, the date   when your status is set to expire.
Give examples of any organisational or coaching experience you have had.
Please list the competitions you plan to attend (in any capacity) in the year 2013-2014.
Please write no more than 400 words for your answer to each of these questions. All answers will be treated in the strictest confidence so please be as detailed and frank as possible.
Why do you want to be a DCA of Durham EUDC 2014? *
Give an example of when you have successfully been a part of a team. What was your role in  the team and what did you learn?  Note this does not need to be debating related. *
It is round six of Euros. There are 38 rooms – 32 of them are still live for both breaks. The  adjudication team want a motion that is difficult and testing but at the same time accessible  across all 38 rooms. What would you set and why? *
Describe one of the worst judgements you have personally received during your time  speaking. What was wrong with the oral adjudication? What would you have done  differently if you had been in the chair?  Please feel free to use an example that includes a  member of the adjudication team or org comm. for Durham EUDC 2014. *
Imagine you are constructing a judging briefing for Euros - what, in your experience of  the European debating circuit, needs highlighting in order to improve the quality of the   competition? Please limit your answer to one specific issue. *
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