Registration Form: Quality Assurance Program
This form is to be used by an individual who is applying for registration for the CTB Quality Assurance Program. Please, complete this form after you have read the document 'Information Booklet - Quality Assurance Program. For further questions, please do not hesitate to contact CITI at

To apply for participation in the CTB Quality Assurance Program, please fill out all the fields below.

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Email *
Business Name *
Name representative (Full name) *
Job role in the business
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Phone number *
Primary address of Lodging *
Email *
Number of lodgings provided by business *
*Furnished, self-catering guest units, equipped with a kitchen or kitchenette to prepare your own meals, and with private access to a toilet, a washing stand with mirror, and a shower.
Primary address of Lodging *
Address(es) of other locations where lodging services are provided by business
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