After Party Only RSVP's
The Ancient Order of Hibernians (AOH), Division #4 of Montgomery County, PA, an Irish-Catholic Fraternal organization, will host their Annual Charity Golf Outing on Friday, June 7, 2024. The outing will take place at
Lederach Golf Course located in Harleysville, PA, with a 1:30 PM shotgun start.

Our 20th annual outing is named in honor of our fallen Brother Brendan Coughlin. The proceeds from this year’s outing will go to Hibernian Charities as well as a scholarship fund in Brendan’s name. The scholarship fund supports local parish school students transitioning Catholic high school. It also supports local high school students furthering their education in the culinary arts, which was a passion of Brendan’s.

A celebration after the golf outing including a buffet dinner along with soda and draft beer will be held at the Lederach Golf Course. There will be prizes and a fun time for all is guaranteed. Cost per attendee for the dinner is $40.00 each.

Contact: Kathy Coughlin (267-371-3679) or Kelly Coughlin (215-237-9646) with any questions.

Please fill out all applicable information below to RSVP. All registrations and payments are needed by or before Monday, May 20, 2024 so we can get an accurate headcount for the caterer.  For your convenience this year, we take Venmo as a payment option. Venmo account is @AOHMontcoDiv4
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