RSVP for TSMRI Open Interviews - Thursday, November 9, 2017 at Noon in Grant 394.
Need a Job After Graduation? Join @TSMRI!

Tarleton graduates NEED experience on their resume BEFORE their graduation date. 90% of TSMRI graduates gain employment in the field within FOUR months of graduation. Gain up to three years of social media experience by becoming a Social Media Coach with the Texas Social Media Research Institute (@TSMRI).

The internship is ON-CAMPUS and provides students with a faculty mentor. Through the internship, students have access to signature experiences: 1) Social Media Study Abroad, 2) networking with social media professionals in the field, 3) opportunities to become a social media entrepreneur while attending college, and 4) to build their personal brand on social media platforms!

RSVP to attend a group interview on Thursday, November 9th at 12pm or 12:30pm in the OA Grant Building (3rd Floor - Room 394). - RSVP Form -

For more information, please contact TSMRI on Twitter - @TSMRI or email Dr. Jennifer T. Edwards (

There are opportunities to earn upper-level communication credit for participation.

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