Try out our mental wellbeing app 🙋🏻‍♀️

Hello 👋 Thanks for checking out this survey! We’re an early-stage startup at GT passionate about enhancing the quality of time our species spends on this spinning rock. Hoping to build something that can truly be useful to people (aka fellow/former Yellow Jackets!), we’d love to chat with you about your thoughts on mental wellbeing and invite you to try out the app we’re developing. Please answer a few questions to express your interest. It'll take less than 5 minutes. Thank you!

We think you may like to know: We value your privacy. Any information you provide in this form is confidential and will be accessed only by our startup team for project-related purposes. We will not share your personal information with any external parties. 🔒

Email *
How would you describe your overall mental wellbeing in the past 3 months? *
Extremely unwell
Extremely well
Feel free to provide some context for your answer above 💭
How do you normally take care of your mental wellbeing?
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