Lecture Fund Spring 2025 App
Woohooo! Welcome to the Lecture Fund Spring 2025 Application! Thank you so much for your interest.
The following questions are designed for us to get to know you better! Just be yourself and answer honestly. Included are three main sections: one that covers basic contact information along with demographic data; one with super short responses; and one with short answer questions. Please note that applications are limited to freshmen, sophomores, and junior transfers.
Moving forward: this application will be open until Saturday, January 25th at 11:59 pm. We'll be reaching out to applicants shortly thereafter. We ask that all applicants do their best to be available on the weekend dates of February 1st and 2nd for interviews. We will provide both online and in-person options for interviews and you can select whatever option works best for you! Your choice will not affect your application in any way.
As you fill out this application form, know that we are ultimately just trying to get to know you better. We think this club is pretty awesome, and we are just looking for the best fit for us (and you). We look forward to learning more about you and, in turn, hope you have the chance to learn more about us.
Any additional inquiries/concerns can be directed toward our Vice Chair of Internal Affairs, Martina Aucejo, at ma2232@georgetown.edu.