ECS ARP-ESSER Stakeholder Survey
As required by the program, we are collecting information from stakeholders regarding how we spend our ARP-ESSER funds. Please share your thoughts with us in the form below. Your responses will be shared with the ECS Board of Trustees and inform the use of these funds until they expire in September of 2024. 

Please go to this webpage if you would like to review our detailed budget and reopening plans

 In 2020 and 2021, Congress authorized the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education to award Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds to public schools as part of the the American Rescue Plan (ARP), referred to here as ARP-ESSER. You can read the details about the grants from the federal government here. Schools are required to post essential information about how they used the funds and implement and periodically review a reopening plan and gather input from stakeholders. The New York State Education Department provides additional information, including the directions on using the funds:
  • Supporting the safe return to in-person instruction and continuity of services;
  • Addressing the impact of lost instructional time through the implementation of evidence-based interventions, such as summer learning or summer enrichment, extended day, comprehensive afterschool programs, or extended school year programs;
  • Ensuring that such interventions respond to students’ academic, social, and emotional needs; and
  • Addressing the disproportionate impact of the coronavirus on economically disadvantaged students, children with disabilities, English learners, racial and ethnic minorities, migrant students, students experiencing homelessness, and children and youth in foster care.
As of January 2024, Enterprise Charter School received $1,654,200. The focus areas of our funding were as follows:
Learning Loss
Academic Intervention Services
Literacy Resources
Summer School Transportation
Safe Return to in-person Instruction
Nursing and medical services
Cleaning Services
Air Filtration upgrades
Technology for continuity of Services
Instructional software for remote instruction
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Which best fits your role as a stakeholder on ECS's ARP-ESSER funding plan? *
To date, how would you rate the appropriateness of ECS's use of funds in order to meet the needs of our students after the COVID-19 Pandemic? Detailed budget information is posted on our website for your consideration. *
Not appropriate at all
Very Appropriate
(Optional) Please provide further explanation for your rating.
The grant funds expire in September of 2024. Select all areas that you feel are most important to address with the remainder of our funds. *
Please provide any specific feedback regarding how Enterprise Charter School should continue to use of funds based on your response above. All responses will be reviewed and shared with the Board of Trustees.
(Optional) If you would like a response or to engage with ECS further on this matter, please provide your contact information below
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