Long Covid Analysis Survey
A short form to be filled out at your own discretion that will be used to analyze the potential causes and/or risk factors associated with long covid
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Are you still currently suffering with long covid? *
How long has your long covid lasted *
Has there been times when your long covid symptoms have worsened? *
Could you specify your symptoms relating to your long covid? *
Do you have a history of mental health issues? *
If so could you specify what?
Around time of long covid onset was there any change within your life? *
If so, could you specify what?
Has your long covid showed any signs of improvement? *
If so when and where there any specific circumstances that caused the onset of this improvement?
Do you think your long covid could be related to your emotional health? *
Depending on your answer to the above, why *
Have you noticed anything that make your symptoms worsen? *
If so, what?
Is there anything else you feel of importance that this hasn't covered relating to your long COVID?
If you would feel comfortable with me contacting you to discuss your answers to this survey, please submit your preferred contact details below
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