Class-9,Natural Resources
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Q1) Which of the following factor does not influence the movement of air? *
1 point
Q2) Which of the following planet have an atmosphere? *
1 point
Q3) The two forms of oxygen found in the atmosphere are- *
1 point
Q4) Name two biologically important compounds that contain both oxygen and nitrogen. *
1 point
Q5) If there were no atmosphere surrounding  the earth, then the temperature of the earth will- *
1 point
Q6) Where is the major part of fresh water hound up? *
1 point
Q7) Rise in temperature of water due to addition of hot water into it is known as *
1 point
Q8) Percentage of total water found as fresh water is _ *
1 point
Q9) Which of the following has the smallest soil particles? *
1 point
Q10) Soil erosion can be prevented by _____ *
1 point
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