Cow Share Order Form
Experience premium grass-fed beef through our Cow Share. Choose from three options:
  • Quarter (1/4) Cow: $5.00 per hanging pound + $200 butcher's processing fee
  • Half (1/2) Cow: $4.75 per hanging pound + $400 butcher's processing fee
  • Whole Cow: $4.50 per hanging pound + $800 butcher's processing fee
The flat rate butcher processing fee includes all processing, vacuum sealed packaging, labeling, and home delivery. Final Payment is due on delivery. We accept cash, check, and credit card payment (with a 3% processing fee). Orders take 3-6 weeks for fulfillment, and you'll receive a confirmation email with delivery timing.

You can split orders with family or friends, though we deliver to one address. Any cuts not selected on your order form become ground beef, ensuring nothing goes to waste.
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